03 313 8792


Knowledge, Character, Relationships

Mātauranga, Āhuatanga, Whanaungatanga

Quality collaborative teaching and learning equity and excellence for all.

Knowledge, Character, Relationships

Mātauranga, Āhuatanga, Whanaungatanga

Quality collaborative teaching and learning equity and excellence for all.

School Newsletters

Welcome to the Southbrook School News and Notices page, here you will find our newsletters showcasing the latest news, events and what’s been happening within our vibrant school community.

Stay connected and informed about all the remarkable achievements of our students, upcoming events, and much more. We are thrilled to share the journey of our students with you.

Enjoy 😊

Past School Newsletters

Missed the last newsletter? Feel free to explore our past editions below:

Term 3

Week 1 Newsletter

Week 2 Newsletter

Week 3 Newsletter

Week 4 Newsletter

Week 5 Newsletter

Week 6 Newsletter

Week 7 Newsletter

Week 8 Newsletter

Week 9 Newsletter

Week 10 Newsletter

Term 4

Week 1 Newsletter

Week 2 Newsletter

Week 3 Newsletter

Week 4 Newsletter

Week 5 Newsletter

Week 6 Newsletter

Week 7 Newsletter

Week 8 Newsletter

Week 9 Newsletter

Week 10 Newsletter

Our People

Dedicated to our committed educators to nurturing excellence in our school and students.

Our Students

Our school thrives on our incredible students. Their educational journey is our daily motivation, and witnessing their growth is a true privilege.

Our Prospectus

The information pack provides the details about the operation of our school.