Knowledge, Character, Relationships
Mātauranga, Āhuatanga, Whanaungatanga
Quality collaborative teaching and learning equity and excellence for all.
Knowledge, Character, Relationships
Mātauranga, Āhuatanga, Whanaungatanga
Quality collaborative teaching and learning equity and excellence for all.
Southbrook School uniform
We are very proud of both our heritage and our appearance which is why we have a compulsory school uniform that we wear each day we are at school. Our school uniform is available to try on at the office, however you will need to order the uniform through our supplier via the link below.
Our current policy regarding uniform is:
1. To state the uniform requirements expected to all students at Southbrook School.
2. To stipulate rules relating to the wearing of school uniform.
3. To provide protection from the sun by making the wearing of sunhats compulsory.
Order your school uniform online
Feel free to explore our extensive range of uniform items by simply clicking on the supplier link below. Alternatively, you can directly access any specific item by clicking on the images displayed below for a seamless order experience.
Uniform guidelines
The wearing of the official school uniform will be included as part of the enrolment contract for all new enrolment at Southbrook School. ALL students attending the school will be required to wear uniform. The Board of Trustees and Principal have authority to set this policy under the 1989 Education Act, Section 72 and Section 76(b).
A copy of this policy will be included in the school’s Prospectus. The uniform requirements are as set by the Board of Trustees, and are attached to this policy

Uniform guidelines
Jewellery: Other than watches and stud earrings or small sleepers will not be permitted at school for safety reasons. (This includes crosses, pendants and necklaces. Bangles are not recommended).
Hair & Make up: Hair should be tidy and well groomed. Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back. Hair dyes are discouraged, but if used they must be natural colours i.e. green, blue, pink etc are not permitted. Makeup and nail polish are not allowed to be worn at school.
Shaved heads are not permitted, except for health reasons. Mohawks are not permitted.
Sunhats: The specified in the uniform list are compulsory in Terms 1 and 4.
Organisation considerations
- Financial advice and support will be available to parents from the Principal where there are problems regarding uniform costs.
- From time to time there will be legitimate reasons why students may not be able to wear the uniform. On such occasions students will be required to supply a note from home covering the reason and an indication of the time of the exemption.
- If a student does not wear correct uniform without proper exemption the teacher shall talk to the child or parent on the first day and a letter will be sent home thereafter to inform the parent / caregiver of the concern.
– Covered toe sandals, running shoes or black / brown / blue leather shoes are our uniform.
– Slip-on shoes, platform soles, high-heels, sparkly shoes or long length boots are not acceptable.
– Only navy blue tights, navy blue knee high socks and navy ankle socks are acceptable.
– Summer: Red wide brimmed type hats or red bucket hats or school cap. (Compulsory during Terms 1 and 4).
– Winter: Southbrook School embroidered beanies