Knowledge, Character, Relationships
Mātauranga, Āhuatanga, Whanaungatanga
Quality collaborative teaching and learning equity and excellence for all.
Te Awa (Yrs 5/6)
“Ko au te awa, ko te awa ko au – I am the river and the river is me”
In Te Awa we foster a supportive and caring environment where every team member is valued. We explore different ways to build strong relationships with both students and whānau to ensure we can do our best for each and every student within our team.
Nurturing Lifelong Learners
We strive to have our ākonga adding to their Three Kete daily and recognise the importance of developing their emotional wellbeing in order to achieve this. We use Circle Time and other mindfulness practices to help grow our students in this area.
We aim to nurture lifelong learners and good citizens through child directed learning. We offer topic based learning, inquiry and a range of thinking strategies to encourage children to become open minded learners, self-managers and creative thinkers.

Building a Positive Mindset
Access to learning and appropriate challenges for all children are essential with the development of a positive mindset i.e. A ‘can do’ attitude, I will give this a go, mistakes will help me with my learning. Alongside building a positive mindset, we are focusing on adding to our Three Kete by looking after ourselves, others and our environment. Our theme for the year is “Raising the Bar”.