03 313 8792


Knowledge, Character, Relationships

Mātauranga, Āhuatanga, Whanaungatanga

Quality collaborative teaching and learning equity and excellence for all.

Welcome to our Students Page

Each week, our wonderful Head Students, Victoria, Grayson, Shea and Toby will share their highlight of the week with you all.

Term 1

Welcome to 2024.

Our Year 5-8 cross country was lots of fun, but really tiring. Congratulations to the 17 runners who qualified for Rakahuri.

We are super excited about our Pancake Breakfast fundraiser tomorrow morning. We are hoping to raise funds for Radio Lollipop and our school Enviro group.

We will be making 204 pancakes!!

It has been a great start to 2024. Our Year 5-8 swimming sports were great on Monday. Congratulations to those swimmers that are representing Southbrook at Rakahuri. Our Buddy classes are going well.

Currently we are organising the Great Southbrook Easter Egg Hunt. For a gold coin tamariki can take part in the egg hunt on Thursday 4 April. 🐰

We are excited about two short school weeks! 

Our fabulous Teoteo and Nga Manu Nui Learning Spaces are swimming at Dudley at the moment. They love swimming AND the bus ride!

We hope everyone has a fabulous Easter holiday.

We are very excited to be doing our ‘Great Easter Egg Hunt’ tomorrow with the tamariki. Thank you to everyone who supported us.

We can celebrate Term 1 at Southbrook. We have noticed hard workers and learning has been fun.

The Head Students wish you a happy holiday.

Term 2

We are busy planning the pancake breakfast for Week 4.

We are excited to annouce that the profits will go to Radio lollipop and to the Southbrook Enviro playspace

Congratulations to the 17 tamariki who represented Southbrook School at the Rakahuri Cross Country. We are proud. 

Thank you to everyone who supported our Pancake breakfast. We raised $250 – Radio Lollipop and

$200 – Enviro sensory path

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The Head Students were lucky enough to attend the National Young Leaders Day last week.

We listened to 5 inspirational speakers who shared how they have overcome difficulties in life and / or have made a difference in the world around them.

Our term is flying by! The Head Students have a small fundraiser with Sushi lunch planned for Week 10. We are fundraising for library games.

This week a lot of Learning Spaces have been busy finishing work ready to share and to celebrate with their parents. We are excited to have our Matariki breakfast tomorrow morning.

Thank you for a great term at Southbrook. We are proud of all our tamariki.

Term 4

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Our People

Dedicated to our committed educators to nurturing excellence in our school and students.

Our Students

Our school thrives on our incredible students. Their educational journey is our daily motivation, and witnessing their growth is a true privilege.

Our Prospectus

The information pack provides the details about the operation of our school.