03 313 8792


Knowledge, Character, Relationships

Mātauranga, Āhuatanga, Whanaungatanga

Quality collaborative teaching and learning equity and excellence for all.

Knowledge, Character, Relationships

Mātauranga, Āhuatanga, Whanaungatanga

Quality collaborative teaching and learning equity and excellence for all.

Meet the Board

The Southbrook School Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of the school which is set by the Education Act. The Board has a strategic role and is responsible for ensuring that every student at Southbrook School is able to attain their highest possible standard in educational achievement. The Board works very closely with the School Principal and Teaching Staff who are responsible for the management of the school and teaching to the NZ curriculum. The Board is also responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school, setting and monitoring the school’s annual budget, overseeing property, administration and personnel.

Our Board is made up of the Principal, one elected staff representative and five elected parent representatives. We have a staggered election process with the Mid Term Elections and 18 months later the Triennial Elections. Each trustee who is elected onto the Board has a term of three years before coming back up for re-election or standing down.

The Southbrook School Board of Trustees meets every Term in Weeks 3 and 8 in the school staffroom at 6:30pm. These are public meetings and anyone is welcome to attend (please apply to the Board Chair if you wish to be granted speaking rights). Agendas, Minutes and Supplementary Reports are always available on request.

Our current Board of Trustees members are:

Rebekah Hennessey – Presiding Member / Parent Representative

Julie Walls – Principal

Holly Marsh – Staff Representative

Lauren Lincoln – Parent Representative

Richard Hogg – Parent Representative

Stacey Moore – Parent Representative

Louise Moore – Parent Representative

Natalie Willis – Secretary

Our People

Dedicated to our committed educators to nurturing excellence in our school and students.

Our Students

Our school thrives on our incredible students. Their educational journey is our daily motivation, and witnessing their growth is a true privilege.

Our Prospectus

The information pack provides the details about the operation of our school.